There's alot of Ike Reilly fans who recognize me from guitar teching for the band in the past as well as making appearances on stage with them on a song or two when there in town and even filling in on guitar for a whole night once. "Why aren't you up there?!" they'd say and, "Are you playing tonight?" So when I got the opportunity to play with my band and reveal my own tunes to his fans, I get excited and very thankful.
The anticipation was killing me. Took the day off to rest as I'd been fighting a horrible soar throat for two days before. Thankfully the day of the show it disappeared but I could feel that singing full out would be difficult. Sound check was great. The First Avenue staff is just tops. "Welcome home" says Greg the moniter guy to me as we set up. Conrad the stage manager is always happy to see me. Lee was running the sound board and does a really great job.
It's fun to play on the big stage at First Avenue. The place is a state landmark made famous by Prince's (Minnesota's other little man) Purple Rain movie. I've been fortunate enough to have been familiar with it over the years. My favorite thing is when the lights go down and the screen that's in front of the stage goes up. Sean started with the burly beats of Found Is A Passion and we were on our way. The band was all on the stage floor together instead of having our drums on the riser. It was great to be closer on the big stage. I enjoy feeling the bass and drums.
We played all of the new EP Orbital Amusement along with some songs from Soulful Automatic, Of Mind And Matter and even some newer ones. I had gotten a gong to be on stage right next to my amp. Musk incense was burning with my Buddha statue. The lights shined down bright and we just kept on cranking the vibe up and up. We played really well together and I felt the huge crowd was turned on and engaged. This is exactly what zen is to me; being in the moment, performing, connecting, singing, guitaring, Chris-ing. Approaching the gong here and there and just having it there added to the anticipation. This show was just full on, giving it everything we had. Finally with a great thunderous ending to one of the last songs I grabbed the mallet, pointed it to the air, and then gave it a mighty swing. BWWAAAANGGG!! Then again and again! I was having such a blast. The crowd was roaring. Just an all around great energetic, happy feeling. A couple more fast paced songs and a final gong hit, then with a bow to the gong and too the audience we were off. Conrad gave me an approved big smile and a pat on the back on the way off. Whew!
I think I totally pushed my self to my physical limit though. Luckily I had a window of healthiness to do the show. The days following this my health plummeted with an upper respiratory infection. I often wonder if the stress and anticipation of the show had something to do with it. Possibly. Resting up for the next show!
Pics #1 and 3 by Shane Flannery.
Watch a full video of the song Orbital Amusement by Debbie Donovan HERE.