2001, young, 100 pounds, pre mustache, naive and stars in my eyes I hopped into the tour buss that was converted from an old-folks home transportation vehicle we called the "Geezer" or the "Geeze" for short. It read Senior Adults On the Move on the sides. These are just a few pictures I took on the road.
Since my band was dismembering and the opportunity came up for me to tour with Ike as a guitar tech/roadie, I took it. I was already good friends with Dave and their keyboardist/guitarist Ed Tinley was a college friend who recorded that first Little Man full length "Core" album (and many more following that). I quit my job and hopped on. I jumped whole heartedly into something with no idea as to what would come of it. For a person that is more introverted and uneasy in some social situations, I thought this would help me come out of my shell a bit. Massive adventure.
We also traveled with a sound person Fred, the "bull," Han who was usually pretty quiet but very cool and a tour manager Manny that year. Manny was super difficult for me to travel with. Yelling at me, pushing my buttons, then we'd be pals, then it was back to some sort of power game or something ridiculous. Not very fun when your on tour with some good friends. We worked things out though.
All of them rolled pretty heavily on Coors Light, Vodka and Red Bull and who knows what else. Wine woman and song as it goes. For the most part, while I certainly partaked in such, I was hired to work and usually most of the beer was gone by the time I got done loading out.
The band toured for the album called Salesmen and Racists. We played some big shows and to some very well attended clubs and venues across the country mostly Midwest, south and east during this time. We were on tours with and opened for Blues Traveler, Chris Whitley, John Mayer, Bob Schneider and Keanu Reeves' band (got to meet all these guys. Keanu was great. I introduced myself at sound check "Hi I'm Chris." He shook my hand and in his best surfer voice as you can imagine returned with, "I'm Keanu."). I also got to meet Sandra Bullock, as she was dating Bob Scheider at the time.
New York City was magical. (We were there just before Sept. 11th.) Stopped at a bluegrass jamboree in southern Ohio. Started an impromptu sing along on a front porch of some locals on a hot night in Cincinnati after a show. Strip clubs (it was a bit surreal when we saw girls dancing to one of Ike's songs as we walked in to one one time). Sang songs outside the White House gates. Practiced in hotel rooms. From Boston to Austin Ike and the band gathered devoted fans. We then moved into a real tour bus I called the Black Stallion with a new sound guy and tour manager. The buss and it's driver, Rodney the "Lightnin' Rod," just came off a Puff Daddy tour.![]()
I left my own band, guitar and songwriting to tour and see the country. I tuned guitars and lugged gear with hopes that I'd meet some key music industry people and get to use the experience as a jumping point for new endeavors. I learned a ton about being on the road and had an amazing time with these guys. But it was very difficult for me not to be playing. I got to see alot of different music scenes. The Twin Cities was a favorite to all of us. The band was best in this city and the people were like no other I'd met anywhere. Live music is a passionate thing to do and see to many people here and it shows. I met my wife in St. Paul and she used to take me out to see other bands and sent me off with local favorite albums so I got to know the scene really good and was amazed at the caliber of music that was being produced there at the time.